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Licence compliance and performance

For: Employers and managers Information seekers

We set self-insurance licence conditions and performance standards that we monitor and evaluate through each stage of the licence.

Licence compliance and performance standards

The Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model sets out the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission's (SRCC) objective and principles guiding its regulation of self-insured licensees.

View the Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB)

Licence conditions explained

A self-insurance licence sets out the scope and conditions of the licence issued by the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC)

We use a standard licence template to outline each licence condition, what a self-insured licensee must do to comply with each condition, and how often. See Table 1 which describes the conditions.

Table 1: Categories of conditions we use in a self-insurance licence
Type of licence conditionDescription
Scope Whether the self-insurance licence covers all or only some of the self-insured licensee’s employees.
General conditions Conditions are wide-ranging and include communications, management of claims, compliance with legislation, management systems, and reporting.
Prudential conditions Conditions include guarantee, reinsurance, liability reporting, yearly accounts, and deeds of guarantee.
Performance conditions Compliance with performance standards and measures and any performance targets set by the SRCC.
Any other special conditions Conditions specific to the self-insured licensee that the SRCC considers appropriate for the licensee and their circumstances.

The Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB) provides a comprehensive list of conditions found in most licences together with the actions to comply with each condition.

Performance standards explained

We set performance indicators across a number of areas as part of our performance standards and measures.

They are intended to be a basis for you to strive to continually improve your claims, rehabilitation and prevention performance.

Targets can be used by the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (SRCC) as a mechanism to encourage continuous improvement.

The Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB) lists the SRCC’s performance areas and indicators, how they are measured, and the frequency of measurement

The Self-insured Licensee Key Performance Indicators Specification (PDF, 574.7 KB) details the reporting framework that provides the SRCC with an overview of self-insured licensee performance.

How performance is reported

As a self-insured licensee, your performance is evaluated quarterly against key performance indicators.

The main methods used to report self-insured licensee performance are:

  • Claims data, which is provided by a self-insured licensee as part of their licence conditions, is analysed and produces a result against a particular indicator.
  • Self-insured licensees produce further information or data at set times.
  • An external firm or consultant which is independent of the self-insured licensee (and which may include Comcare), is required to provide information or a report prepared by the firm or consultant assessing the licensee’s performance.

How we monitor and evaluate compliance

Use the Licence Compliance and Performance Model

The Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model sets out our objectives and principles guiding regulation of self-insured licensees and is used to assess licensee operations.

Each year, we require self-insured licensees to provide us with a Licensee Compliance and Performance Improvement (LCPI) Report which covers:

  • compliance with self-insurance licence conditions
  • annual certification of prudential conditions of the licence
  • key activities undertaken in the previous 12 months and outcomes achieved
  • objectives for the next 12 months
  • continuous improvement activities.

See the Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB) for more information on this reporting.

Check self-insured licensee compliance

Comcare provides a range of supports to the SRCC under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act).

One of these supports is the monitoring of self-insured licensees for compliance with licence conditions.

Comcare, on behalf of the SRCC:

  • receives the required information, material or products from self-insured licensees to comply with their licence conditions
  • monitors each self-insured licensee’s compliance with its licence conditions.

Comcare reports licensee compliance to the SRCC. The SRCC can also request extra information or source the documents used by Comcare to complete a report, at any time.

Monitoring licensee performance

Comcare provides a range of supports to the SRCC under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 (SRC Act). One of these supports includes assessing and monitoring self-insured licensee performance.

Comcare, on behalf of the SRCC:

  • receives, collates and assesses the information provided on licensee performance
  • monitors licensee performance and provides papers to the SRCC recommending actions when there are performance concerns.

Comcare reports to the SRCC quarterly, annually, or for the period required for the specific indicator. The SRCC can request extra information or source the documents used by Comcare to complete a report at any time.

Importantly, licensee performance monitoring uses a risk assessment against each performance area as an overall indicator of licensee performance and whether any further action is required.

Conduct reviews

Comcare performs reviews of self-insured licensees, which includes checking compliance with self-insurance licence conditions and examining performance. This can be:

  • a review conducted for new self-insured licensees who are in the developing phase of their licence
  • a scheduled review conducted at year 2 or 6 of each self-insurance licence
  • a standalone review of an established self-insured licensee due to a concern with their compliance.

The outcome of each review is reported to the SRCC.

The SRCC is bound by ‘confidentiality of information’ requirements in all information that it collects and receives.">

More information

For more information, see the Self-insurance Licence Compliance and Performance Model (PDF, 3.0 MB).

Page last reviewed: 20 October 2023
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Date printed 07 Feb 2025